Research Interests

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Research Interests
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My area of interest is in wireless networks, sensor networks and p2p systems, I am working with Prof. Badri. These are some of the interesting projects I have worked while at Dataman, in reverse chronological order:

TBF - Trajectory Based Forwarding is a new routing protocol for sensor networks. The nodes in the network are assumed to be location aware and all packets carry an encoded "trajectory" that describes the path the packet must follow. Some obvious advantages are decoupling the node id from the path, which is good for mobile networks. You can read the paper here. Andrew, Mike and me implemented this stuff on Mica motes running TinyOS.
Click here to go to the project website.

Colored Range Searching survey I undertook for the Database Systems course.

APS - Ad hoc Positioning System is a new algorithm to enable Motes to know about their geographic location without using GPS. You can read about the paper here.  I have implemented one of these protocols on the Motes. I also designed and implemented a querying protocol which basically enables us to get/set the protocol state on the Mote. There is also a nice TCL/TK GUI that maps out the given sensor field in 2D and it is possible to graphically query different properties of each node in the sensor field.
Download code as tgz.
Click here to go to the project website.

Slip Simulator - Motes can be emulated in software and its UART can be accessed via a socket. We also have a working UDP/IP stack for the Motes. While developing protocols, it is useful to have some sort of a simulation framework. Slip simulator does this. Basically, it does FD forwarding between a socket and TTY-pair, one side of which is attached to the SLIP protocol using slattach.
Download code as tgz.

Mote Gateway - This was my maiden project at Dataman! Motes are really tiny wireless sensors, you can find more information about motes are the Berkeley website. This project enables multiple clients to query a Sensor network over the internet.
Download code as tgz.



 Last Modified on 09/04/2002